Introduction video

RFID automatically reads loads and location information

“UHF Fork System” is an RFID product that automates the reading and registration of loads and location information. By installing RFID readers on forklifts, the automatic acquisition of cargo information in warehousing and picking operations can be carried out without the need to dismount.


  • UHF forks use RFID to automate the reading and registration of loads and location information.
  • Information on incoming and outgoing shipments and picking is automatically retrieved without the need for the operator to dismount.
  • Semi-automated collection of inbound and outbound shipment information improves the accuracy of location management.
  • Equipped with an in-house developed reader/writer. Reading accuracy backed by extensive experience.
  • A team of specialist engineers with extensive local experience will carry out the survey and installation, giving you peace of mind.

Improved accuracy of location management

Semi-automated collection of inbound and outbound shipment information improves the accuracy of location management.

Equipped with domestically manufactured (in-house developed) reader/writer

Equipped with an in-house developed reader/writer. Reading accuracy backed by extensive experience. Manuals and setup screens are also in Japanese.