Ideal for customers with these on-site issues

Challenges faced by sites using manual record keeping for performance management

(1)Time-consuming preparation of daily reports
(2)The record is sketchy
(3)Not knowing how things are going on the ground
(4)The aggregation process is time consuming

System overview diagram

No need to handwrite daily reports!
10 minutes every day for every worker
Reduced labour costs

Realisation of ‘visualisation’ on site
In real time Aggregate display of progress on site

Automation of daily report compilation
The manager’s work in compiling and correcting data is reduced by 90%


Simple and reliable recording of working times using IC card worker IDs and touch-screen terminals


Work performance information is easily recorded by the workers themselves in the field using a touch screen terminal.
Simply hold up the card and touch it at the start and end of the working day to keep accurate records, including daily reports, without burdening the worker.

Registered data is aggregated in real time and can be viewed from a management PC.


The data registered by the touch panel is collected and totalled by the management system, allowing the work status and elapsed time of each site to be monitored in real time on the progress management PC. The tabulated data can also be output in CSV format.

Multidimensional data aggregation is now possible



Barcode input function


Job, order and batch numbers can now be entered by barcode, and man-hour records can be linked to the content of the work, so it is possible to record which case the worker was working on. Linking to production management systems has also become easier.

Input of volume and number of works


The number of units produced and the production results can be entered at the end of the operation.
(The display can also be disabled in the settings).

Traffic IC cards and Mobile Wallet can be used (NFC IP-1 compliant).

交通系ICカードやおサイフケータイを活用可能(NFC IP-1準拠)

Employees can also register their mobile wallet or transport IC card and use it as an imprint medium.

Impact 1: “No need to write daily reports by hand!”


1,593,600 per year in reduced labour costs.
(Example for 40 workers earning 1,000 yen per hour)
No more handwritten work for 40 people x 10 minutes → annual labour cost reduction of JPY 1,593,600.

  • 10 minutes per person Approx. 166 yen x 40 people = 6,640 yen per day
  • 6,640 yen x 20 days = 132,800 yen per month
  • 132,800 yen x 12 months = 1,593,600 yen per year

Effect 2: “Achieving ‘visualisation’ on the shop floor”


Aggregate progress on site is displayed in real time from the management PC, without the hassle of tallying.

Effect 3: “Automating the daily report compilation process”


Aggregate lists can be output with a single touch. 90% reduction in the aggregation and correction work of managers (example of a company that has introduced the system).

Effect 4: “Raising employee awareness”


Visualisation of work performance eliminates input errors due to employee omissions and fuzzy memories, and increases part-time employees’ awareness of time management. (Voice of the company)

What we can do because we specialise in functions for collecting results.

●First of all, we want to get away from handwritten results collection.
●I want to eliminate wasted work time.
●Want to provide accurate man-hour records to the main contractor
●Want to know the exact standard man-hours
●Implementation as the first step in building an MES (Field Execution System).
●Easy to introduce as a sub-system of your existing production control system.

Basic Package Configuration


・Work performance management software (for PCs).
・Work performance collection terminal software (for touch panel terminals)
・Touch-screen terminal & IC card reader/writer x 2
・IC card reader/writer for worker ID card registration ICU-800 x 1 unit
・IC card worker cards (* IC card white) x 80
※IC cards can be mifare or FeliCa.

Introduction video